You're onto several likely conclusions, Neon! Nice work. I totally agree. "FREE" has always been the main mantra of concern by the GB at the the WTBS. In time, it will be interesting to see if they can keep up the stringent requirements for all types of pioneers and publishers while attendance and service is dwindling.
At some point, people have to start questioning things. Humans will eventually take the path of least resistance, and for a pioneer, that usually means joining someone else's calls, doing someone else's return visits, or conducting someone else's studies.
I'll bet that it is a real cat and dog fight nowadays between pioneers and publishers to see who gets stuck with cold unworked territory cards. I am sure many a weekend morning is spent inside Dunkin Donuts and other food places just to run the clock down to noon.
Utopian Reformist
JoinedPosts by Utopian Reformist
Future of the Preaching Work?
by NeonMadman ini wrote the following comments in a response to joelbear's thread on the 4 steps to the new system.
but they were sort of off topic there, and i thought they might be of interest as a separate thread.
at one time, door to door work was highly effective.
Utopian Reformist
did you actually pay for magazines and literature?
by arwen inalthough i did put money into the contribution box untill i found out about silent lambs, i never really counted how many magazines and books i picked up or ordered and no one ever said anything about paying for them.
i just assumed one put in the box what one could.
did anyone actually figure out what they might owe and put that amount in the contribution box?
Utopian Reformist
Yes. I was one of the poor, foolish, suckers who always purchased more literature than I could actually place and always wound up sharing with other pioneers (free of charge), giving extras away at meetings, and leaving literature free of charge at doorsteps and in public places, just to finally get rid of it.
What an idiot! -
Long Overdue Respect & Admiration: BIG TEX & CRUZANHEART
by RAYZORBLADE inya know...i'm gonna get a nurfball to the head for this.
but ya know....i think it's long overdue that myself; perhaps a few other forum members out there, convey some long overdue respect and gratitude to:
big tex & cruzanheart
Utopian Reformist
Ooooops! I owe Nina & Chris an apology. In my pervious post I mistakenly posted Scott's name when I meant to post Chris's name instead. Sorry about that folks! I KNOW WHO I LOVE and that is what matters most, even if I make mistakes.
United Nations will have an easy job destroying Christendom
by truthseeker inif and i repeat if, the un is the eight king, and does destroy religion, it will have an easy job with christendom, at least in western europe.. .
religion takes a back seat in western europe .
by noelle knox, usa today thu aug 11, 7:13 am et .
Utopian Reformist
Thanks for posting that article and the statistics. It all seems like great news and I enjoyed reading it!
I hope the downward trend continues and starts affecting other erligions as well. -
Im Sad! My Mom is slowly dying from a rare disease!
by ButtLight inshe has something called, corticobasildegeneration.
yeah i know what a name!
its a disease that shrinks the brain, and there is no cure for it!
Utopian Reformist
Dear Buttlight:
I am very very sorry to hear about your mom's illness. I really hope something new comes up, or some new information, maybe a new treatment, something temporary, or even some new research, anything at all to help her out ASAP. Keep hoping and don't give up.
Hang in there and be positive and don't stop trying, researching, asking questions, seeking opinions and finding help for her as long as there is still time. Exhaust yourself and try to keep her here as long as you can. I wish you hope, and even miracles, if they apply.
In your corner,
Long Overdue Respect & Admiration: BIG TEX & CRUZANHEART
by RAYZORBLADE inya know...i'm gonna get a nurfball to the head for this.
but ya know....i think it's long overdue that myself; perhaps a few other forum members out there, convey some long overdue respect and gratitude to:
big tex & cruzanheart
Utopian Reformist
Nina and Scott are two of the greatest, kindest, sincere and genuine human beings I have ever experienced and spoken with in my entire life.
I am alive today partly because of their persistence, their patience, their effort, their concern and their altruistic love. I would do anything for them and love them dearly, and now consider them family!
May everyone be fortunate enough to know Nina & Scott! -
ABC Interview
by Bryan inwell, i just finished the interview at the local abc affiliate here in new orleans.. i don't think it will be edited!.
it airs sunday morning at 11:30 am.
hopefully i'll have the video on my website by the end of next week.. bryan.
Utopian Reformist
Dear Brian:
I read your web site (excellent work) and it made me so angry to learn about your mother's tragedy. It seems there are so many of us out there with similar stories. I don't know how you have made it so far, and how you have managed to be so creative and successful, but you are an amazing example of a survivor.
I can't wait till the story airs and I hope there are millions of viewers. Cults ruin so many lives and cause so many problems. Thank you for the excellent work, for your efforts and for sharing this with all of us. -
What is your, "Unforgivable Sin?"
by Maverick inthe wts has made vague statements about the unforgivable sin metioned in the bible but we all know that you can curse god and jesus and be forgiven but should you promote the idea that the wts is not god's only earthly channel and that organization is a fraud, that will not be forgiven.. on a person note, should you guys call a woman by the wrong name when you are first trying to get to know her, that will not be forgiven, especially if you call her a co-workers name!.
driving your car on my front lawn will piss me off almost to the point of no return, do it twice and i'm done with you!.
what is your, unforgivable sin?
Utopian Reformist
The loss of my daughter, TALIA!
Prayers for Outnfree
by Robdar init's thursday.
time to share the love with outnfree with our weekly prayer vigil.
please be with us tonight at 8:00 central (9:00 eastern, 7:00 mountain, 6:00 pacific).
Utopian Reformist
Dear Family:
I want to add my prayers, thoughts, concerns and support for "OUTNFREE"! Unfortunately, I will not have internet access this evening, thus, I hope to send my love and care along with everyone today! May positive events occur, may there be healing, progress and may strength prevail over illness.
Remember all who love you and need you! -
Last Generation Of Jehovah's witnesses?
by Dune inhere's an interesting idea my brother and i have been discussing when we do parking lot duty during the service meetings.
we've come to the conclusion that this is essentially the last generation of jehovah's witnesses.
i thought you'd have to be young to notice this, but its pretty apparent anywhere we go.
Utopian Reformist
I hope that time, information, and the media will eventually cross over and connect and overlap all of the necessary areas and entities needed to globally communicate that the WTBS is a dangerous and harmful cult. Over the course of time, this may occur in a gradual fashion.
As the world economies jockey and change positions in wealth, power and influence, the opportunity for the WTBS to continue financing its operations may experience steady and sharp decreases in funding ability.
Last week's The Economist Magazine's front cover read the following headline "Why China heads the global economy" or something to that effect. We know the new and younger chinese are more liberal and desiring capitalistic lifestyles, despite their current government. Thus, when leadership changes, and more progress is made, the chinese will eventually be the largest, richest and most successful economy on the planet. What does this have to do with the WTBS?
Well, currently, the WTBS receives the largest share of its contributions from USA witnesses and witnesses in Europe. That will change when the economies shrink and fall from their current positions. I am NOT predicting large scale economic collapse for the west, just an adjustment downward a few notches from the current number one and two positions.
Once Russia, China, S. Korea, Japan are at/near the top of the G-8, the WTBS will no longer benefit from western generosity. As former communists, atheists, and former buddhists, I predict the WTBS will begin shaking and collapsing.
Once they are forced to downsize as never before (sell property, sell investments, close facilities, release personnel, etc) then you will see a very different scenario.
The WTBS will either make dramatic and drastic policy changes to keep membership and contributions, or they will start fading away. I predict that field service will eventually become a weekend/sabbatical ritual and no longer mandatory. I predict that conventions will shorten and official travel will be reduced to local and domestic only.
I predict a change to digital content where members will download and print the materials they need for meetings and also a change to private e-mail. All in due time over the next 5-10 years.